3 Signs It May Be Time for Breast Implant Revision

While breast implants are designed to be safe and long-lasting, they are not considered lifetime medical devices. At some point after your initial surgery, you may need to consider removing and replacing your implants. This is done during a secondary procedure called breast implant revision.


There are several different situations, both cosmetic and medical, that can warrant breast revision. Below are three signs that may indicate a need for this secondary breast procedure.

3 Signs It May Be Time For Breast Implant Revision

Keep in mind that revision is typically appropriate for any woman who is not satisfied with the look and feel of her breasts after augmentation or reconstruction. Receive recommendations for your specific situation by scheduling a consultation with our Baltimore plastic surgeon.

Table of Contents

1. Your Implants Have Ruptured

Breast implants have an outer shell made of silicone that can rupture due to a tear, hole, or another form of damage. A ruptured implant needs to be removed and replaced.


When a saline implant ruptures, the sterile saltwater solution leaks out and is absorbed by the body. As a result, the implant will begin to deflate. In general, this process happens over the course of a few days and changes the appearance of the breast.


When a silicone implant ruptures, it is often more challenging to detect. The silicone leaks out slowly and does not get absorbed by the body. You may or may not be able to notice a ruptured silicone implant on your own, so it is advisable to receive regular breast exams.

2. You Have Developed Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture is a rare breast enhancement complication that is treatable through revision surgery. It occurs when the scar tissue around a breast implant becomes unusually hard and starts to shrink. The severity of capsular contracture can vary. It can affect one or both breasts.


In general, capsular contracture alters the look and feel of the breast. Women with this complication may notice that their breasts feel somewhat firm to the touch. The breasts may be overly round, hard-looking, and sit too high on the chest. In more pronounced cases, the breasts may feel tender, sore, or painful.


We can use a biocompatible surgical mesh called Strattice™ during breast revision procedures. It creates an internal scaffolding that supports the implant and helps prevent future complications. This extra step is particularly beneficial for treating capsular contracture.

3. You Want to Change Your Implant Shape, Size, or Style

You had to make a lot of decisions when planning for your original augmentation or reconstruction procedure. Many of those decisions revolved around the specifics of your breast implants. While you were likely satisfied with your choices at the time, it is perfectly normal to develop new preferences.


With breast implant revision, you can change virtually every aspect of your implants. Our plastic surgeon will work with you to select a new implant shape, size, or style to accomplish your aesthetic goals.

    Schedule Your Baltimore Breast Implant Revision Consultation

    As a board-certified plastic surgeon who has performed countless breast surgeries like breast augmentation and breast reduction, Dr. Adam Basner knows how important it is for you to be completely satisfied with your results. If you are experiencing an aesthetic issue or a complication after implant placement, breast implant revision may be the ideal solution. While most women enjoy the outcome of their breast procedure without issue, it is great to have access to a secondary surgery that can help ensure you get the results you desire.


    If you would like to know more about breast implant revision, call our practice at 410-593-3064 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Basner.  We serve Baltimore, Columbia, Owings Mills, Towson, and the surrounding areas of Maryland and Pennsylvania.

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