Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery Guide

The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is an effective and popular form of plastic surgery, providing the curves and hourglass silhouette that many people admire. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, its members perform more than 28,000 BBL procedures annually.


If you’re considering this surgery, you’re probably wondering about the Brazilian Butt Lift recovery process. This article will review what to expect after BBL surgery. We’ll discuss the average BBL recovery time and provide some BBL aftercare tips to help you recover effectively.

Table of Contents

What Is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Before we talk about the BBL surgery recovery process, we need to review what a Brazilian Butt Lift is. BBL is a surgical procedure in which a plastic surgeon removes fat from other body areas via liposuction. The fat is purified and then injected beneath the skin in the buttocks to enhance its shape and volume. A well-crafted BBL can create dimensions that will flatter your body frame.


Surgeons usually perform a BBL to address:


  • Small buttocks size
  • Flat buttocks
  • Buttocks that lack shape


People prefer a BBL because it uses their own fat cells rather than artificial materials to create beautiful results. The fact that a BBL removes unwanted fat from other areas of your body is a fantastic bonus. Following a careful Brazilian Butt Lift recovery regimen will help you get the most out of our surgery.

Factors Affecting Your BBL Recovery Time

A variety of factors determine your BBL recovery time. You need to consider your:


  • Health — Good physical health typically results in shorter recovery times.
  • Age — Older patients generally recover more slowly than younger patients.
  • Lifestyle — Good nutrition and regular exercise usually contribute to a faster BBL recovery time.


How closely you follow the BBL aftercare instructions your doctor provides will also affect your Brazilian Butt Lift recovery timeline. Adhering to your doctor’s orders and attending follow-up visits can make BBL surgery recovery easier.

Preparing for Your Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery

You should plan to make your Brazilian Butt Lift recovery as smooth as possible following surgery. You’ll need to arrange to have someone drive you home after the procedure. You also may find it useful to have someone around the house for the first 24 hours post-op to help with chores and other duties.

BBL Recovery Time, Week by Week

While your own personal factors will affect your recovery, you can expect certain effects to appear over the weeks after your surgery. Here’s a wrapup of the typical BBL recovery time:

Immediately After Surgery

Don’t be surprised by some drainage from your liposuction incisions. This is completely normal and won’t affect your BBL recovery time. The drainage usually stops after 24 hours.


You can also expect a certain amount of discomfort and swelling. If the pain is too difficult to manage, you can ask your doctor to prescribe pain medication.


You’ll need to avoid putting pressure or sleeping on your buttocks to help advance the healing process and ensure the best BBL results.

    First Week

    You’ll wear compression garments around the liposuction areas to help minimize swelling and fluid retention. There will be lingering discomfort, but you should be able to return to work after seven days.


    You’ll need to continue to not sit or sleep on your buttocks.


    Your BBL aftercare will also include several follow-up visits with your surgeon.

    Second Through Third Weeks

    At the end of the third week, you should be able to resume normal sitting and sleeping on your back. While some swelling will remain, the discomfort should decrease considerably.

    Fourth Through Fifth Weeks

    By this point in your BBL recovery time, you should be able to resume light exercises, although heavy lifting will still be off-limits. There may be some residual tenderness. If you experience persistent pain, you should contact your surgeon.

    Sixth Week

    Most patients no longer experience any discomfort or tenderness by this time. You’ll likely be approved to begin lower body exercises. The results of your liposuction and BBL should be visible at this point.

    Fourth Month

    The final results of your surgery are usually visible within four months.

    BBL Aftercare Tips

    Following your surgeon’s orders is the most critical factor affecting your BBL recovery time. But there are some BBL aftercare tips to help make the process as smooth as possible. Make sure to:

    Use a BBL Cushion

    Sitting or sleeping on our buttocks will directly impact your BBL results. If you have to sit, you’ll want to make sure the pressure is on your upper thighs, not your buttocks. A BBL cushion can help ensure you use the proper sitting positions.

    Follow a Healthy Diet

    Well-balanced meals, including less fat and sugar, can aid in your BBL surgery recovery. Also, avoid salty foods, which can promote fluid retention.

    Wear Your Compression Garment

    Your compression garment plays an integral role in your Brazilian Butt Lift recovery by reducing discomfort, minimizing swelling and helping your skin contract.

    Avoid Long Soaks

    As part of your BBL aftercare, you should avoid soaking in the tub, pool, hot tub or ocean until you get your doctor’s OK. Soaking will only interfere with your healing process. You should be able to resume regular showers after a couple of days.

    Remain Active

    Although strenuous exercise isn’t allowed, walking can help speed your BBL recovery time and improve blood circulation. Check with your doctor to see what regimen they recommend.

    Manage Your Pain

    Some discomfort after surgery should be expected, but you don’t have to suffer silently. Take pain medication as needed to ensure your comfort and a more pleasant Brazilian Butt Lift recovery.

    Watch Out for Infection

    Any surgery carries the risk of infection, and you’ll want to look for signs like unexpected swelling and redness, unpleasant odor, excessive oozing, fever and increased pain. If you experience any of these symptoms, call your surgeon immediately.

    Be Patient With Your Body

    You can follow all these Brazilian Butt Lift recovery tips to the letter, but you’ll still need time to recover fully. Pay attention to your BBL aftercare, and let your recovery take its natural course. That’s the best way to ensure the results you want.

    Info and FAQs About Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery

    As a leading BBL surgeon, Dr. Basner is ideally situated to answer your questions about your Brazilian Butt Lift recovery. Read on for the information you need, and be sure to contact us for additional details.

    What Is the Typical BBL Recovery Time?

    The typical BBL recovery time is about six weeks.

    You can usually sit normally by the end of the third week after your BBL.

    Because laying on your back will affect your results, you’ll want to sleep on your stomach after your BBL.

    The BBL healing process generally takes several weeks. You’ll notice some drainage in the first 24 hours after surgery and a certain amount of discomfort and swelling for a couple of weeks. After seven days, you should be able to return to work, although you won’t be able to resume light exercises till the fourth or fifth week. You should be completely healed around six weeks after your surgery.

    The typical BBL post-op care routine includes several follow-up visits with your surgeon. You should avoid sitting or lying on your buttocks. Walking may help decrease your BBL recovery time and enhance blood circulation. Your surgeon will provide complete BBL aftercare instructions, which you should follow carefully.

    Schedule a BBL Consultation With Dr. Adam Basner

    Now that you know what Brazilian Butt Lift recovery entails, you're ready for the next step. Dr. Basner is recognized as a Top Doctor by Baltimore Magazine and is the board-certified Chief of the Division of Plastic Surgery at Sinai Hospital. He's skilled at Brazilian butt lift surgery and is committed to delivering the beautiful shape you desire. Submit a consultation request through the contact form on our website or call 410-616-3000 now to schedule a consultation. Not only has Dr. Basner been proclaimed one of the best plastic surgeons in America in liposuction by Newsweek Magazine, but in all four categories, including breast augmentation, facelift and rhinoplasty.

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