Cosmetic Procedures to Improve Your Summer Look

Summer is here, with heat and humidity that can make wearing heavy makeup uncomfortable or impractical. If you want to go bare-faced with confidence, and be able to jump into the ocean or a pool without worrying about washing your makeup away, visit Dr. Adam Basner to discuss non-surgical cosmetic procedures that can help improve your skin and appearance.

Call 410-616-3000 to schedule your consultation today. We offer cosmetic procedures with fast results and little to no downtime.

Table of Contents

Reduce Wrinkles with BOTOX™ Cosmetic

Wrinkles are unfortunately an inevitable fact of life. They occur due to facial expressions, gravity, sun exposure, and genetics, and no one is immune. However, you don’t have to just live with your wrinkles. BOTOX™ Cosmetic is a quick, safe, effective, and painless way to reduce wrinkles in the following areas:

  • On the forehead
  • Between the eyebrows
  • At the corners of the eyes (crow’s feet)

BOTOX™ takes 10 or 15 minutes to perform, and doesn’t require any recovery time. You can return immediately to your normal activities, making it a perfect “lunchtime” procedure. You’ll start to notice your wrinkles smoothing out within a week, and the results last for 3 to 6 months.

Improve Skin Tone and Texture with a Chemical Peel

If you suffer from skin discoloration, large pores, rough texture, or acne scars, a chemical peel may be right for you. We offer peels of varying strengths, from light peels that may require more than one session for full results to deep peels that produce dramatic results but require time off work to heal.


Skin peels are versatile and can help you to obtain smooth, beautiful skin. When you come in for your consultation, we will be happy to discuss your goals and decide on the peel that’s right for you.

Maintain Beautiful Skin with Medical Grade Skin Care

Dr. Basner offers a range of medical-grade skin care at his practice that you can’t buy over the counter. Medical-grade skin care contains larger amounts of active ingredients, making it more effective in actually improving your skin than products you can buy at your local pharmacy.


A long-term skin care plan should always include skin care products specifically tailored to your skin’s needs. We will be happy to help you find the products that will work best with your unique skin type and help you maintain results from your cosmetic procedures.


You should also always make sure to wear sunscreen and a hat when going out in the summer sun. Sun exposure is a main factor in premature wrinkles and discoloration, making you look older than you really are. In addition, too much sun exposure can cause you to develop skin cancer.


Most people spend a lot more time outdoors in the summer, so it’s very important that you always bring sunscreen to reapply when you know you will be outdoors for a long time. Hats are also valuable in helping to protect the scalp from the sun and keeping you shaded.

Schedule Your Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedure Today

If you are interested in improving your skin for the summer, contact Dr. Basner today at 410-616-3000 to schedule your consultation. We serve patients in greater Baltimore and surrounding areas of Maryland.

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