Repair the Effects of “Tech Neck” with Neck Lift Plastic Surgery

Technology is changing the way we look. While smartphones, tablets and other devices have been allowing us to communicate better than ever, our necks have been paying the price.


The use of smart devices has given rise to what many plastic surgeons are referring to as “tech neck”—increased wrinkles caused by staring down at our screens.


Read on to learn more about tech neck and how neck lift and Ultherapy plastic surgery can help prevent it.

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How a Neck Lift May Save Your Online Social Life

Aging happens to all of us. Over time, the skin on our neck loses the smoothness of youth, becoming wrinkled. Tech neck seems to accelerate this aging process, and its effects become more apparent with the presence of social media.


Sites like Facebook show us a history of our lives—as well as ways we have gotten older. These may become visible reasons for wanting plastic surgery, such as a neck lift or Ultherapy, to turn back the clock. If you’ve ever wanted to save your selfies, plastic surgery can help.

Future-Proof Your Looks with Plastic Surgery

neck lift tightens loose neck skin, sharpening your jaw line for those selfies you’ll be taking. And after receiving the restoring effects of a neck lift, you’ll never hesitate to “tag” yourself in friends’ photos again.


While a neck lift is a common solution for repairing wrinkles, Ultherapy is another option. Ultherapy massages wrinkles caused by tech neck using ultrasound, smoothing them out for your online photo albums.


Ensure a future you’ll love looking at, and consult one of our plastic surgeons today.

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