Keep Your New Year’s Resolution Attainable With Body Contouring

Keep Your New Year's Resolution Attainable With Body Contouring

The top three 2023 New Year’s resolutions were exercising more, eating healthier and losing weight. But what if your New Year’s resolutions alone don’t achieve your desired results? Surgical body contouring can deliver the sleek shape you’re looking for.


Even vigorous exercise and diet regimens can’t remove stubborn fat pockets. But plastic surgery can make a difference. This article will answer questions like “What is body contouring?” and “How does body contouring work?” And we’ll review the different types of body sculpting that are available.

Table of Contents

What Is Body Contouring?

Also known as body sculpting, body contouring refers to various surgical procedures that can help shape certain body parts. While plastic surgeons can’t help with weight loss, they can target excess fat and skin to give you a smooth, youthful appearance. Potential treatment areas include:

  • Arms
  • Stomach
  • Back
  • Lower body

People of any sex with no serious health conditions who are at or near their desired weight are the best candidates for body contouring procedures. While you may think these options are only for women, there is also plastic surgery for men to help them attain their ideal look.

How Does Body Contouring Work?

Body contouring works by tightening skin and eliminating fat cells to shape the body. The treatment area and desired goal will dictate the appropriate procedure. Plastic surgeons can perform several operations simultaneously for a more dramatic effect. Although body sculpting is not intended for weight loss, it can work with a healthy lifestyle to achieve the results you want.

7 Types of Body Contouring

There are as many types of body contouring as there are body parts. Different procedures target specific areas of the body to create a more toned, youthful look. Common types of body contouring include:

1. Liposuction

Liposuction is a body sculpting procedure that targets the stubborn excess fat that often appears in genetically predetermined areas like the abdomen or hips. It’s a minimally invasive procedure that’s been used for years.

2. Tummy Tuck

tummy tuck addresses sagging skin and loose abdominal muscles as well as excess fat. It’s a comprehensive procedure that can be combined with liposuction for a fine-tuned look.

3. Arm Lift

An arm lift is designed to target extra fat and loose skin and muscles in your upper arms for a more sleek, toned appearance. Also known as brachioplasty, this body sculpting procedure can help combat the dreaded “bat wing” effect.

4. Back Lift

Your back can be the location of some of the most stubborn fat pockets. But a back lift can help address these back rolls and areas of sagging skin. A smoother, sleeker look will be the result.

5. Lower Body Lift

lower body lift is an effective body contouring procedure that provides a more youthful appearance for your:

  • Buttocks
  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Back of the thighs

Drastic weight loss can leave sagging skin in these areas, which a lower body lift can specifically target.

6. Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian butt lift can create a heart-shaped bottom that complements the sleek look of your body. It can work with a lower body lift to produce a smoother, tighter contour.

7. Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty is a plastic reconstructive surgery that targets a woman’s intimate areas. Often performed in conjunction with liposuction, labiaplasty can improve the appearance of the inner and outer vaginal lips and reduce pain and discomfort.

Choose Dr. Adam Basner for Your Body Contouring Procedures

Don’t let those last few pockets of stubborn fat spell failure for your New Year’s resolutions. Opt for body contouring by Dr. Basner and achieve the youthful look you want. Dr. Basner is recognized as a Top Doctor by Newsweek and Baltimore Magazine and is the board-certified Chief of the Division of Plastic Surgery at Sinai Hospital. His expert body sculpting procedures have helped women throughout the Baltimore area realize their dreams. Call 410-616-3000 today to schedule a consultation.

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